Beauty School Bobbi
Bobbi Powell, @beautyschoolbobbi, interviews beauty industry leaders to inspire and educate listeners. Bobbi is the Director of Admissions at Tennessee School of Beauty in Knoxville, TN. Listen to hear stories from Bobbi and guests about overcoming obstacles in business and a behind the scenes look into the beauty industry.

Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Amanda LaMoure - @urepidermisisshowing
Watch the full interview on YouTube at the link in bio!
Listen to the full podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Beauty School Bobbi: (@beautyschoolbobbi)
L’Oréal Access: (@lorealaccess)
LEAD ROLFS Global Institute: HTTPS:// (@leadrolfsglobalinstitute)

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Sherilynn has done almost everything in the beauty industry. As a single mom, she taught classes on stages all over the world like a rock star and used that money to pay for her daughter’s college education. The best part is that she is currently enrolled in the Lead Program and is on her way to earning a bachelors degree herself, all while working full time. She is truly doing it ALL.

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Are you feeling lost in the sea of social media or digital media marketing?
Social Media is becoming a required part of being a beauty professional. Most people don’t feel like they know what they are supposed to be posting or when they have the time to do it. Stephanie Carter shares everything that you need to know to start exactly where you are and for the beauty industry specifically. This conversation is so valuable and worth the listen. She acknowledges how overwhelming this can be and has solutions for you!
Watch the full interview on YouTube at the link in bio!
Listen to the full podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Beauty School Bobbi: (@beautyschoolbobbi)
L’Oréal Access: (@lorealaccess)
LEAD ROLFS Global Institute: HTTPS:// (@leadrolfsglobalinstitute)
#beautyschoolbobbi #beautyandstylenetwork #tsbforme #podcast #youtube #blog #beautyschoolstudent #lorealprofessional #rolfsleadglobalinstitute #loreal #lorealpro #lorealparis #professionalproducts #beautyproducts #beautyprofessionals #beautycareers #oozlemedia #beautyasabiz #beautyasabusiness

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
I LOVED this interview with Candy. My favorite thing about Candy is that she has a super successful career in the beauty industry and she was honest enough to share with us her one regret; not going to beauty school. She went to college for business, but she knows that a different path could have been set for her and I love that she has so much respect for Beauty School. Don’t miss this one!
Beauty school students, this one is for YOU!
Watch the full interview on YouTube at the link in bio!
Listen to the full podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Beauty School Bobbi: (@beautyschoolbobbi)
L’Oréal Access: (@lorealaccess)
LEAD ROLFS Global Institute: HTTPS:// (@leadrolfsglobalinstitute)
#beautyschoolbobbi #beautyandstylenetwork #tsbforme #podcast #youtube #blog #beautyschoolstudent #lorealprofessional #rolfsleadglobalinstitute #redken #redkenlove #redkenexchange #redkenshadeseq #redkenobsessed #redkenformula#redkencolor #loreal #lorealpro #lorealparis #professionalproducts #beautyproducts #beautyprofessionals #beautycareers

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Morgan is a great example of what social media can do for your business in the beauty industry. Morgan has found viral success through social media and it has helped her grow her esthetics career tremendously. Listen to hear her tips for beauty school students and starting your own business!
Beauty school students, this one is for YOU!
Watch the full interview on YouTube at the link in bio!
Listen to the full podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Beauty School Bobbi: (@beautyschoolbobbi)
L’Oréal Access: (@lorealaccess)
LEAD ROLFS Global Institute: HTTPS:// (@leadrolfsglobalinstitute)
#beautyschoolbobbi #beautyandstylenetwork #tsbforme #podcast #youtube #blog #beautyschoolstudent #lorealprofessional #rolfsleadglobalinstitute # matrix #loreal #lorealpro #lorealparis #professionalproducts #beautyproducts #beautyprofessionals #beautycareers #esthetics #esthetician #skincareprofessional

Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Garret is everything good about the Beauty Industry. He has used his cosmetology license to get him to the exact position that he is meant for and it is only up from here. Garrett is doing amazing things for the industry and is the perfect story of taking a risk and not knowing where it would lead him. He went ot Beauty School in California and holds a position with L’Oréal Professional that is elevating the industry every single day. He believed in himself and saw his dreams through.
Beauty school students, this one is for YOU!
Watch the full interview on YouTube at the link in bio!
Listen to the full podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Beauty School Bobbi: (@beautyschoolbobbi)
L’Oréal Access: (@lorealaccess)
LEAD ROLFS Global Institute: HTTPS:// (@leadrolfsglobalinstitute)
#beautyschoolbobbi #beautyandstylenetwork #tsbforme #podcast #youtube #blog #beautyschoolstudent #lorealprofessional #rolfslead #lorealaccess #kerastase #Shuuemura #loreal #lorealpro #lorealparis #professionalproducts #beautyproducts #beautyprofessionals #beautycareers

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
I have known Katie since she was 17 years old. We grew up together at Tennessee School of Beauty. We’ve gone through bad hair together, weddings, babies, and even some tears. Katie didn’t start beauty school knowing that being a make-up artist was going to be her path or even an option for her, but I am so thankful that it was.
Katie is one of the most talented MakeUp artists that I have ever met, but he skill for teaching and connecting with students might be even better. She has trained HUNDREDS of Make-Up Artists over the last 7 years and has such a special story.
Watch the full interview on YouTube at the link in bio!
Listen to the full podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Beauty School Bobbi: (@beautyschoolbobbi)
L’Oréal Access: (@lorealaccess)
LEAD ROLFS Global Institute: HTTPS:// (@leadrolfsglobalinstitute)
#bridalmakeup #makeupartist #makeupdesignory #makeupinstructor#beautyschoolbobbi #tsbforme #petermahoney #salonowner #stylists #beautyschool #stylist #lorealprofessional #lorealaccess #lead

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
We know that the landscape of the beauty industry is changing. I love talking to people about innovative ways that they are adapting and progressing. Peter is (and has consistently been) a staple in our industry. He has been at the forefront of salon growth and has spent his career coaching and guiding salon owners to success. Peter is truly one of the greats. He has so much wisdom and guidance to share, but he is also aware of what we need to sustain for the future of Beauty Professionals.
Watch the full interview on!
Beauty School Bobbi: (@beautyschoolbobbi)
L’Oréal Access: (@lorealaccess)
LEAD ROLFS Global Institute: HTTPS:// (@leadrolfsglobalinstitute)
#summitsalon #summitsalonprofessionals #beautyschoolbobbi #tsbforme #petermahoney #salonowner #stylists #beautyschool #stylist #lorealprofessional #lorealaccess #lead

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Maddie has gained so much success recently on social media and she is here with us to share her tips! Maddie knew that she wanted to make a name for herself on social media to be able connect with other stylist. She took photography classes and reached out to her clients to get referrals. Maddie also recently won an award from Behind the Chair on her work and we could not be more proud.
Maddie left a commission salon to go out on her own and knew that it was time when she was trying to build her own brand. She trusted her gut and knew when it was time. I love how highly Maddie speaks of the salon that she started at. It’s important to stay thankful to the people and places that helped you grow.
Maddie started a business teaching classes to grow the industry and is someone that I know is going to do so great in the industry. She focuses on the positive and stays thankful for each day that she gets to do what she loves. This is the key to a long, successful career in this industry and I am beyond thankful that I got this time with her.

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Beauty School Bobbi:
L’Oréal Access:
LEAD ROLFS Global Institute: HTTPS://
Tiana Dockswell, VP of Kerastase and Shu Uemura Education, started her career in the beauty industry at 14 years old. She starting sweeping hair at a salon and soaked in everything that she could. She completed her cosmetology hours is high school and went on to work in a salon in NYC and even attended the Fashion Institute of New York. Tiana was even able to live in Italy and make to stay there and make a living by doing hair.
She began in marketing and took every opportunity that she could to grow her career into what it is today. She believes that none of it would be possible without her education in the Beauty Industry!