Monday Oct 31, 2022
Katie Hill - Make-Up Artist and Director
I have known Katie since she was 17 years old. We grew up together at Tennessee School of Beauty. We’ve gone through bad hair together, weddings, babies, and even some tears. Katie didn’t start beauty school knowing that being a make-up artist was going to be her path or even an option for her, but I am so thankful that it was.
Katie is one of the most talented MakeUp artists that I have ever met, but he skill for teaching and connecting with students might be even better. She has trained HUNDREDS of Make-Up Artists over the last 7 years and has such a special story.
Watch the full interview on YouTube at the link in bio!
Listen to the full podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Beauty School Bobbi: www.beautyschoolbobbi.com (@beautyschoolbobbi)
L’Oréal Access: www.lorealaccess.com (@lorealaccess)
LEAD ROLFS Global Institute: HTTPS://leadinstitute.degree (@leadrolfsglobalinstitute)
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